「A reprint book entitled, Quantum Fields and Off-Shell Sciences*」 MDPI (Basel, Switzerland, September 2022).


A reprint book entitled, Quantum Fields and Off-Shell Sciences* (Ed. M. Ohtsu) was published by MDPI (Basel, Switzerland, September 2022).

About the Editor
Preface to ”Quantum Fields and Off-Shell Sciences”

[1] Hirofumi Sakuma, Izumi Ojima
On the Dressed Photon Constant and Its Implication for a Novel Perspective on Cosmology
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 593, doi:10.3390/sym13040593

[2] Hiroyuki Ochiai
Symmetry of Dressed Photon
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 1283, doi:10.3390/sym13071283

[3] Kazuya Okamura
Towards a Measurement Theory for Off-Shell Quantum Fields
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 1183, doi:10.3390/sym13071183

[4] Hayato Saigo
Category Algebras and States on Categories
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 1172, doi:10.3390/sym13071172

[5] Hayato Saigo, Juzo Nohmi
Categorical Nonstandard Analysis
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 1573, doi:10.3390/sym13091573

[6] Hayato Saigo
Quantum Fields as Category Algebras
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 1727, doi:10.3390/sym13091727

[7] Suguru Sangu and Hayato Saigo
Description of Dressed-Photon Dynamics and Extraction Process
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 1768, doi:10.3390/sym13101768

[8] Norio Konno, Etsuo Segawa and Martin ˇ Stefa ˇn´ak
Relation between Quantum Walks with Tails and QuantumWalks with Sinks on Finite Graphs
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 1169, doi:10.3390/sym13071169

[9] Kenta Higuchi, Takashi Komatsu, Norio Konno, Hisashi Morioka and Etsuo Segawa
A Discontinuity of the Energy of Quantum Walk in Impurities
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 1134, doi:10.3390/sym13071134

[10] Leo Matsuoka, Kenta Yuki, Hynek Laviˇcka and Etsuo Segawa
Maze Solving by a Quantum Walk with Sinks and Self-Loops: Numerical Analysis
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 2263, doi:10.3390/sym13122263

[11] Shintaro Murakami, Okuto Ikeda, Yusuke Hirukawa and Toshiharu Saiki
Investigation of Eigenmode-Based Coupled Oscillator Solver Applied to Ising Spin Problems
Reprinted from: Symmetry 2021, 13, 1745, doi:10.3390/sym13091745

(*)A reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994)
(available at:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry/special issues/Quantum Fields Off-Shell Sciences).