[Original paper]
Dressed-photon–phonon creation probability on the tip of a fiber probe calculated by a quantum walk model
M. Ohtsu, E. Segawa, K. Yuki, and S. Saito
keywords: dressed photon, phonon, quantum walk, fiber probe
To study the probability of a dressed-photon–phonon (DPP) created on the tip of a fiber probe based on a quantum walk (QW) model, the creation probability of the DPP at the apex of a triangle is numerically calculated by substituting several values of mathematical and physical parameters. Two cases are dealt with: One is the case in which the DPP energy does not dissipate from the slope of the triangular lattice; and the other is the case in which the DPP energy dissipates. Sufficiently high accuracy of the approximation was obtained when the number of sites on the base of the triangle was larger than 51. The probability of DPP creation at the apex of the triangle was larger in the case without DPP energy dissipation at the slope of the triangle than that in the case with dissipation; furthermore, it was larger for a triangle with a larger apex angle. The derived results were in agreement with experimental results.