Off shell: 2301O.001.v1


[Original paper]
Spatial distribution of dressed-photon–phonon confined by an impurity atom-pair in a crystal

M. Ohtsu, E. Segawa, K. Yuki, and S. Saito

keywords: dressed photon, phonon, quantum walk, impurity, light-emitting diode


This paper analyzes the spatial distribution of a dressed-photon–phonon (DPP) that is confined by a boron (B) atom-pair in a silicon light-emitting diode by using a two-dimensional quantum walk model. It is confirmed that the DPP is confined by the B atom-pair, which is oriented along a direction perpendicular to that of the incident light propagation. The dependence of the confined DPP probability on the length of the B atom-pair is analyzed. The spatial distribution profile of the confined DPP is found to be asymmetric, which indicates photon breeding with respect to the photon momentum.

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Research Origin for Dressed Photon,3-13-19 Moriya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0022 Japan