Original paper was published online(2017.09.01)
[1] H. Sakuma, I. Ojima, and M. Ohtsu,
“Gauge symmetry breaking and emergence of Clebsch-dual electromagnetic fi eld as amodel of dressed photons,”
Appl. Phys.A (2017) 123:750 DOI 10.1007/s00339-017-1364-9.
[2] H.Saigo, I. Ojima, and M. Ohtsu,
“Dressed photons from the viewpoint of photon localization: the entrance to the off -shellscience,”
Appl. Phys.A (2017) 123:724 DOI 10.1007/s00339-017-1345-z.
The paper can be downloaded from the URL below.