[Original paper]
A quantum walk model with energy dissipation for a dressed-photon–phonon confined by an impurity atom-pair in a crystall
M. Ohtsu, E. Segawa, K. Yuki, and S. Saito
keywords: dressed photon, phonon, quantum walk, impurity, dissipation
This paper introduces the energy dissipation constant into a two-dimensional QW model for describing the intrinsic features of dressed-photon–phonon creation and confinement in a B atom-pair in a Si crystal. It succeeded in describing unique features, including: (a) The magnitude of the energy dissipated from the B atom-pair took the maximum at =0.2; (b) the total dissipated energy over the whole volume of the Si crystal monotonically increased with , whereas the energy of the source of dissipation complementarily decreased; and (c) the dissipated energy exhibited the feature of photon breeding with respect to the photon momentum. From these features, it was confirmed that the intrinsic features of microscopic and macroscopic fields were successfully described in a consistent manner.