Off shell: 2405O.001.v1


[Original paper]
Optimum dissipation for governing the autonomous transfer of dressed photons

M. Ohtsu, E. Segawa, K. Yuki, and S. Saito

keywords: dressed photon, interaction, dissipation, transfer, quantum walk,


This paper claims that the unique features of dressed photon (DP) transfer are governed by the DP energy dissipation. First, problems on theoretical descriptions of DP creation, transfer, and measurement are presented, and strategies for solving them are also indicated. Second, experimental results of DP measurement are reviewed. It is pointed out that these results follow a principle that differs from the on-shell scientific principle of least action. Third, in order to analyze these results, a theoretical non-unitary quantum walk model is presented by considering energy dissipation. Finally, calculated results are presented, suggesting that an optimum dissipation constant of the dressed-photon–phonon energy exists. It is also claimed that the transfer path with such optimum dissipation is autonomously determined to minimize the decreases in the emitted light power. In other words, this determination is governed by the off-shell scientific principle of largest output signal.

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Research Origin for Dressed Photon,3-13-19 Moriya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0022 Japan